Welcome to the Realtime Mesh Component

Designed to enable rendering of realtime created, user loaded, runtime modified, and any other type of mesh not possible to package into your project! Scalable from simple mesh loading, up to full voxel terrain worlds and everything in between.

Faster and more memory efficient than ProceduralMeshComponent, and DynamicMeshComponent, with coming support for rendering UDynamicMesh to be a full replacement to DynamicMeshComponent while keeping Geometry Scripting tools.

Core Features

  • Full Collision Support, both static triangle mesh and dynamic moving objects
  • Variable mesh formats, allowing for tradeoff in needed features and memory/performance overhead
  • Up to 8 Texture Coordinate (UV) channels
  • Normal or High precision Texture Coordinate (UV) channels
  • Normal or High precision texture coordinates, supports engine feature for high precision normals
  • LOD Support, allowing engine maximum of 8 LOD levels and full dithering support
  • Full NavMesh support
  • Async collision updates. As collision can be slow to update, the RMC can offload it from the game thread.
  • StaticMesh conversion in game and editor, as well as conversion to/from ProceduralMesh/DynamicMesh

Subsections of

Chapter 1

Quick Start

Discover how to install and configure the RealtimeMeshComponent, as well as differences between Core and Pro versions.

Subsections of Quick Start

Install from Marketplace

You can purchase the RMC on the Unreal Engine Marketplace!

Installing the Realtime Mesh Component from the Unreal Engine Marketplace is as simple as purchasing the plugin, and installing it to your current engine like any other plugin.

From here if you’d like to use the RMC from C++ code, you simply need to add PublicDependencyModuleNames.Add("RealtimeMeshComponent"); to your Build.cs file for your project module like other modules from c++.

Install from GitHub

To install the RealtimeMeshComponent from GitHub requires a few steps.

  1. You must have a C++ ready project. If you already have C++ code, you’re ready to go! If not you can go to Tools -> New C++ Class and create some template actor to convert your project to a C++ project. More Info can be foun here!

  2. You can download the plugin from GitHub depending on your version from one of the two links below. You can either download the project as a zip or clone the project by clicking the green <> Code button.

    1. The Core version, which is free to use can be obtained here:
      1. Latest Stable Release
      2. Latest Development
    2. The Pro version, which is paid-access can be obtained here:
      1. Coming Soon!
  3. If you downloaded the zip version, you must unzip the contents into the path: {YourProject}/Plugins/RealtimeMeshComponent/

  4. Compile and run your project, which the engine should be able to do automatically by opening the .uproject file or through your code editor of choice.

  5. From here if you’d like to use the RMC from C++ code, you simple need to add RealtimeMeshComponent to your .Build.cs file like any other module you intend to use from C++.


The example content is now contained within the plugin itself, within several Blueprints for different examples, or from a separate code module in the plugin RealtimeMeshExamples that serve to demonstrate different concepts.

Make sure plugin content is visible in the content browser, if not you can enable it through Settings -> Enable Plugin Content from the content browser.

Enable Plugin Content Enable Plugin Content

Chapter 2

Key Concepts

Mesh structure

How are meshes structured in the RMC? From the parts of a vertex, to the indices that turn them into triangles and the polygroups that batch them. Mesh Structure


Streams are the core data type of the RMC, containing one part of the mesh data. Learn more about streams!

Stream Builder

Stream builders allow for efficient, type safe access to a Stream. Learn more about stream builders!

Stream Linkage

Stream linkages are used to keep multiple streams in sync. Useful for things like position/tangents/texcoords/vertexcolor portions of a mesh Learn more about stream linkages!

Stream Set

Stream sets are the container for easily working with multiple Streams, and StreamLinkages. Learn more about stream sets!

Mesh Builder Local

Mesh Builder Local is a helper template for working with the most common mesh layout in an efficient, easy to use manner. Learn more about mesh builder local!

Subsections of Key Concepts


Mesh Representation

Mesh data in the Realtime Mesh Comonent is represented as a indexed triangle list. With this you have two buffers:

  1. Vertex Buffer: Responsible for storing all the unique vertices. This is done ideally without duplicates, but also a single attribute being different causes the whole vertex to be different. The normal vertex attributes are:

    1. Position: Represents the position of the vertex in object space as a three component vector for X, Y, Z
    2. Normal: Represents the up-vector of the face this vertex is responsible for, or the common up-vector used for smooth shading all the adjoining triangle faces. Also known as Tangent-Z
    3. Tangent: Represents the forward-vector of the face this vertex is responsible for, or the common forward-vector for smooth shading all the adjoining triangle faces. Also known as Tangent-X
    4. UV Coorinates 1-8: Also konwn as Texture Coorinates, are the 2D coordinats in texture space 0-1 representing the area of a texture to apply to this face at this vertex. There can be any number of these channels between 1 and 8. Can also be used to feed arbitrary data through to the shader and sample in Material as TextureCoordinate.
    5. Color: Also known as Vertex Color is the color channel that can be used for supplying a color for this vertex, or possibly some other arbitrary data through to the material and read in the material as Vertex Color
  2. Index Buffer: Responsible for storing the mapping of vertices to triangles. Formed by a list of integers, with each group of 3 representing a triangle, and indexing the vertices to use for that triangles points.

The example below shows a simple setup where we render two triangles, using 6 entries in the index buffer, and only 4 vertices since 2 vertices are shared with two triangles each on the common edge. Index Triangle List Index Triangle List

Winding Order

One thing to be aware of and careful of is the order of your triangles indices. This affects one standard optimization of 3d rendering called backface culling. Unreal Engine uses Counter Clockwise Culling, so if the triangles points are visually ordered clockwise as referenced in the index list, it will not be rendered. This is a standard and important optimization as it removes many triangles that cannot be visible as they’re facing away from the view.

This means when you index your vertices, you should index the points visually counter clockwise.

Advanced Indexing

There are advanced things you can do with index buffers, in combinaton with the section groups/sections of the RMC, for example:

  • You could make one large index buffer and have a separate index buffer for shadows to simplify the geometry used. This can be extremely beneficial as shadows do not care about anything except position, so you could combine duplicates much more aggressively
  • You could make different versions of a sections that share a common set of vertices and switch between which one is rendered.


Within the RMC, you have the option to use an extra data stream to define the polygroup. There should be 1 entry for each Triangle in the associated stream. This is used to easily separate the triangles into groups which can be rendered separately. The RMC assumes the polygroups are contiguous, so all triangles of a particular group are next to eachother. There are utilities to sort the triangles based on the polygroup if you want to build the triangles in an arbitrary order and sort them later.

Additional Resources


Streams are the core of the data structure for the RMC. They hold a single data type, like FVector3f or FColor, and they can handle 1-8 elements. They are meant to hold a single data component whether that’s positions, tangents, colors, texture coordinates, triangles, or something custom. You can work directly with a stream, but it’s generally not the best way. Usually you’ll want a FRealtimeMeshStreamSet

Stream Key

FRealtimeMeshStreamKey is a way of identifying the stream within things like a StreamSet, or to the RMC itself. It contains the StreamType, either Vertex or Index, as well as a stream name.

Some common stream keys

  • Vertex:Position - Contains the vertex position data
  • Vertex:Tangents - Contains the tangents, both TangentZ and TangentX, of the vertex data
  • Vertex:TexCoords - Contains the Texture Coordinates for 1-8 channels
  • Vertex::Colors - Contains the vertex color data
  • Index:Triangles - Contains the indexing data for a triangle list
  • Index:PolyGroups - Contains the poly group id for each triangle

Creating a Stream
// For example, this will create a stream with the key `Vertex:Position` and the datatype of FVector3f
auto PositionStream = FRealtimeMeshStream::Create<FVector3f>(FRealtimeMeshStreams::Position);

Bulk Adding Data
// If you have an array like the following (assuming it's filled with data)
TArray<FVector3f> IncomingData;

// You could add all of this at once through

Miscellaneous Helpers
// Fill the stream starting at position 10 and running for 20 elements with a default value
PositionStream.FillRange(10, 20, FVector3f(0, 0, 1));

// Zero a range of the stream starting at index 10 and running the next 20 elements
PositionStream.ZeroRange(10, 20);

// Preallocate the stream to hold 128 rows, this can cut down on reallocation and data copying.

Stream Builder

Stream Builder are a helper to allow for fast interaction with Streams of known or possibly unknown concrete data types. They allow you to treat a stream much like an array with all the common operations like Add/Remove/Append and indexed retrieval operators. It is possible to also use a streambuilder to work with a subset of a stream. For example if you wanted to work on only 1 channel of tex coords when it contains 4 total

Creating a Stream Accessor
// For example, this will create a stream with the key `Vertex:Position` and the datatype of FVector3f
auto PositionStream = FRealtimeMeshStream::Create<FVector3f>(FRealtimeMeshStreams::Position);

// This will create a simple StreamBuilder where you know the type is FVector3f. This will assert if the types do not match
// This does allow for the fastest interaction with the stream as no internal conversion is performed.
TRealtimeMeshStreamBuilder<FVector3f> PositionStreamBuilder(PositionStream);

// This will create a simple StreamBuilder where you want to work with it as if the data was FVector3d, but the actual streamdata is FVector3f.
// This will incur a slight overhead as it will do the conversion both ways internally, 
// but this is all done through templates, so it's the least overhead of the conversion available
TRealtimeMeshStreamBuilder<FVector3d, FVector3f> PositionStreamBuilder(PositionStream);

// This will create a StreamBuilder where you want to treat the data as a FVector3d, but you don't know the format of the stream. 
// This will perform a dynamic conversion internally, but the formats must be compatible. 
// In this case FVector3d, or FVector3f are safe, as well as custom data types of the same setup
TRealtimeMeshStreamBuilder<FVector3d, void> PositionStreamBuilder(PositionStream);

Creating a Strided Stream Builder
// This creates a texcoords stream with 4 channels using the packed type FVector2DHalf.
auto TexCoordsStream = FRealtimeMeshStream::Create<TRealtimeMeshTexCoords<FVector2DHalf, 4>>(FRealtimeMeshStreams::TexCoords);

// We can do the same stream builder setup as above to work with all 4 channels at the same time
TRealtimeMeshStreamBuilder<TRealtimeMeshTexCoords<FVector2DHalf, 4>> TexCoordStreamBuilder(TexCoordsStream);

// Here we use the strided builder to work with channel 1 as though it was an array of FVector2f and let the builder
// perform the conversion internally.  This can be done with with all the same variations as a normal builder for no-conversion, direct-conversion, or dynamic conversion.
TRealtimeMeshStridedStreamBuilder<FVector2f, FVector2DHalf> TexCoordStreamBuilder(TexCoordsStream, 1);

Working with Stream Builders
// Stream Builders let you treat a stream much like a TArray
// So you have all the normal functions, plus some specialized helpers.
// Some examples are: 

// Add a element
PositionStreamBuilder.Add(FVector3f(0, 0, 0));

// Emplace an element
TexCoordsStreamBuilder.Emplace({ FVector2f(0, 0), FVector2f(0, 0) });

// Reserve the number of elements, preallocating the internal storage

// Append an initializer list of 3 elements
PositionStreamBuilder.Append({ FVector3f(0, 0, 0), FVector3f(1, 1, 1), FVector3f(2, 2, 2) });

// Remove element 1

// Set the number of elements filling any new elements with the supplied value.
PositionStreamBuilder.SetNumWithFill(128, FVector3f(0, 0, 1));

Stream Linkage

Stream Linkages are used to tie multiple Streams together so that operations that affect the size of one stream affect them all together. This is useful to keep secondary vertex data streams the same size, and allow you to set data only as desired.

Creating a Stream Linkage
// Create our position stream
auto PositionStream = FRealtimeMeshStream::Create<FVector3f>(FRealtimeMeshStreams::Position);

// Create our tangents stream
auto TangentsStream = FRealtimeMeshStream::Create<FRealtimeMeshTangentsNormalPrecision>(FRealtimeMeshStreams::Tangents);

// Create our linkage that we'll use to bind the vertex streams together
FRealtimeMeshStreamLinkage VerticesLinkage;

// Bind the position stream, with a deafult value of zero vector.
// We can do this simply because we know the type
VerticesLinkage.BindStream(PositionStream, FRealtimeMeshStreamDefaultRowValue::Create(FVector3f::ZeroVector));

// Bind the tangents stream, we create the default value by passing it our wanted value, and getting the final layout from the stream.
// This lets it do the conversion once and then just blit this value into the stream.
VerticesLinkage.BindStream(TangentsStream, FRealtimeMeshStreamDefaultRowValue::Create(
    FRealtimeMeshTangentsNormalPrecision(FVector3f::ZAxisVector, FVector3f::XAxisVector),

// We can setup the two builders to make working with the streams easier    
TRealtimeMeshStreamBuilder<FVector3f> PositionStreamBuilder(PositionStream);
TRealtimeMeshStreamBuilder<FRealtimeMeshTangentsHighPrecision, FRealtimeMeshTangentsNormalPrecision> TangentsStreamBuilder(TangentsStream);

// This will add the position to the position stream. It will also set the tangents stream size to the same size and default the value
// You should *NOT* use .Add on the secondary streams when setting the value, you can just used the indexed set. 
// It doesn't matter which stream you call .Add() on, it will resize them all.
int32 Index = PositionStreamBuilder.Add(FVector3f(1, 0, 0));

// Here we just set the tangent entry for this index
// If you call .Add() again then you'll end up with 2 vertices in both streams, instead of 1 vertex with the tangent set for the existing vertex
TangentsStreamBuilder[Index] = FRealtimeMeshTangentsHighPrecision(FVector3f(0, 1, 0), FVector3f(0, 0, 1));

Stream Set

StreamSets are a container holding 1 or more Streams, and potentially some binding logic to tie streams together. At their core they function like a hashtable containing streams referenced by the StreamKey which is a name and buffer usage type (Vertex, Index). This is the most common way to pass data around, and can be used to store arbitrarily complex sets of data.

Creating a basic stream set
// First we create the empty stream set
FRealtimeMeshStreamSet StreamSet;

// Then we can add whatever streams to it we want
FRealtimeMeshStream& PositionStream = StreamSet.AddStream<FVector3f>(FRealtimeMeshStreams::Position);
FRealtimeMeshStream& TangentsStream = StreamSet.AddStream<FRealtimeMeshTangentsNormalPrecision>(FRealtimeMeshStreams::Tangents);

// We can choose to add the streams to a link pool if we want to
StreamSet.AddStreamToLinkPool("Vertices", FRealtimeMeshStreams::Position, FRealtimeMeshStreamDefaultRowValue::Create(FVector3f::ZeroVector));
StreamSet.AddStreamToLinkPool("Vertices", FRealtimeMeshStreams::Tangents, FRealtimeMeshStreamDefaultRowValue::Create(
    FRealtimeMeshTangentsNormalPrecision(FVector3f::ZAxisVector, FVector3f::XAxisVector),

// Then we can bind the stream builds to the contained streams like a individual stream
TRealtimeMeshStreamBuilder<FVector3f> PositionStreamBuilder(StreamSet.FindChecked(FRealtimeMeshStreams::Position));

Copying stream sets

Stream Sets by default don’t allow simple copy through assignment. This is because this can be a heavy operation to copy all the stream data. If you actually want to copy a stream you should use the explicit copy constructor

// Use the explicit copy constructor as implicit copy and assignment are disallowed for performance reasons.
FRealtimeMeshStreamSet StreamSet2(StreamSet);

You can move to stream set around from one storage to another. This is far more efficient as it doesn’t duplicate the internal data but instead moves it from one owner to the next. This will reset the source streamset in the process

// Move assignment is fast because it does not duplicate the data and instead moves the ownership of it.
FRealtimeMeshStreamSet StreamSet2 = MoveTemp(StreamSet);

Mesh Builder Local

Mesh Builder Local is a helper utility that makes building and working with the mesh data for the most common vertex format simpler. You can customize the exact data types and it will internally switch between the necessary conversion types just like TRealtimeMeshStreamBuilder.

Creating a basic mesh builder local
// First we create the empty stream set
FRealtimeMeshStreamSet StreamSet;

// Then we can bind the Mesh Builder Local to it.
// We can configure the stream data types through the template parameters
// We can also supply void to get dynamic conversion for unknown stream layouts.
TRealtimeMeshBuilderLocal<uint16, FPackedNormal, FVector2DHalf, 1> Builder(StreamSet);

// We can decide what vertex elements are enabled.

// We can add a vertex, and optionally set things like the tangents, color, texcoords.
// We can then get the new index from it to use later.
int32 V0 = Builder.AddVertex(FVector3f(-50.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
    .SetNormalAndTangent(FVector3f(0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f), FVector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
    .SetTexCoord(FVector2f(0.0f, 0.0f));

// Now we can add a triangle giving it the indices of the vertices for the 3 corners, as well as optionally supplying the polygroup
Builder.AddTriangle(V0, V1, V2, 0);
Chapter 3

Component Core

Learn the core concepts of the Realtime Mesh Component and how to use it!

Subsections of Component Core


There are several core pieces of the Realtime Mesh Component, that all work together.


The RealtimeMeshActor is much like the StaticMeshActor. It provides and easy base class for an RMC powered actor and provides some helper logic to not regenerate on construction script in editor when doing things like dragging the actor around. It doesn’t provide much more logic on its own and you can ignore it and create the RealtimeMeshComponent directly on your own actor types, or even multiple RMCs on your own actor type.


The RealtimeMeshComponent is the minimum usable component, and provides similar functionality to how StaticMeshComponent works where you can place one or more of them on an actor.


The RealtimeMesh object holds the underlying data, manages the collision structurs, and common data, and allows sharing a RealtimeMesh with multiple RealtimeMeshComponents and thereby multiple RealtimeMeshActors or custom actors. There are a couple versions of a RealtimeMesh including RealtimeMeshSimple, RealtimeMeshDynamic, and RealtimeMeshComposable. You can also make your own versions of RealtimeMesh or derivatives of any of the other concrete implementations.

  1. RealtimeMeshSimple - Provides a similar feel to ProceduralMesh, and older style Realtime/RuntimeMeshComponents where you can feed it data and forget about it.
  2. RealtimeMeshDynamic(Pro) - Provides a way to feed a DynamicMesh into the RealtimeMesh to get the benefits of GeometryScripting in editor and Runtime, with the performance/feature benefits of RealtimeMesh
  3. RealtimeMeshComposable(Pro) - Provides a way to work with a hierarchical factory structure to generate one or more meshes.


FRealtimeMesh is the central piece that communicates with the rendering thread, and defines an interface that must be implemented by the concrete tyeps which provides the rendering and collision data when necessary.


Much like a material slot in a static mesh, defines the separate materials in use by the realtime mesh. A renderable section uses the index of the slot to choose the material it will ultimately use.


Starting the hierarchy of mesh data, it encapsulates an abritrary number of section groups/sections to render when the LOD is desired.

The configuration of a LOD contains the ScreenSize to activate this LOD, if a higher level LOD isn’t active.

LODs are completely independent, and can contain different numbers and configurations of section groups and sections. With this, the more detailed LODs could contain more independent sections to provide more detail and use simpler combined sections in lower LODs for performance.


The middle of the hierarchy of mesh data, it contains a set of vertex and index buffers that can be shared by an abitrary number of sections within the group.

Allows for re-using the buffer between sections, as well as minimizing state changes when rendering sections.


The lowest level of th hierarchy of mesh data. It links a section of vertex/index buffers in the parent section group, with a material, and rendering settings to draw a portion of the mesh within the active LOD.

Sections can be used to render portions of the parent groups buffers in differnt ways. You could use this to render a different region of the index buffer for shadows using a subset of vertices, and another section to render the full index buffer for the more detailed visible mesh.

The Stream Range of a section is the start/end element of the vertices and indices in the parent section groups buffers.

The Section Config allows setting multiple configuration options for the section including whether the section is visible, or casts a shadow, as well as the material slot. It also allows setting the draw type from one of the two following options:

  1. Static - Meant for sections that don’t update frequently, so it prioritizes rendering performance at the cost of slower updates
  2. Dynamic - Meant for sections that update frequently even up to frame-by-frame, so it prioritizes update latency over rendering performance.


The render thread counterpart to FRealtimeMesh, owns all the RHI data and works with the renderer to render the Realtime Mesh.

This is done, like other render proxy objects in the engine, to own a separate state on the render thread so not to have lock contention with the game thread.


The render thread counterpart to FRealtimeMeshLOD, owns all the render thread section groups and sections used to render the Realtime Mesh


The render thread counterpart to FRealtimeMeshSectionGroup, owns all the render thread sections used to render the RealtimeMesh. Also owns the actual RHI buffers, vertex factories, and ray tracing data.


The render thread counterpart to FRealtimeMeshSection, owns all the render thread configuration for the section, clones the configuration from the parent Section to allow the render thread to facilitate the renderer in setting up mesh drawing.


The render thread counterpart to URealtimeMeshComponent, owns the render thread state of a URealtimeMeshComponent, including its linkage to the underlying FRealtimeMeshProxy to facilitate the component rendering.