Install from GitHub

To install the RealtimeMeshComponent from GitHub requires a few steps.

  1. You must have a C++ ready project. If you already have C++ code, you’re ready to go! If not you can go to Tools -> New C++ Class and create some template actor to convert your project to a C++ project. More Info can be foun here!

  2. You can download the plugin from GitHub depending on your version from one of the two links below. You can either download the project as a zip or clone the project by clicking the green <> Code button.

    1. The Core version, which is free to use can be obtained here:
      1. Latest Stable Release
      2. Latest Development
    2. The Pro version, which is paid-access can be obtained here:
      1. Coming Soon!
  3. If you downloaded the zip version, you must unzip the contents into the path: {YourProject}/Plugins/RealtimeMeshComponent/

  4. Compile and run your project, which the engine should be able to do automatically by opening the .uproject file or through your code editor of choice.

  5. From here if you’d like to use the RMC from C++ code, you simple need to add RealtimeMeshComponent to your .Build.cs file like any other module you intend to use from C++.